Tse Enosh & Ankey

Having grown up in a business-oriented family, Enosh was eager to start developing his own business, but as he thought his mum and aunt were just selling daily necessities to housewives, he didn't really take much interest in Amway. Only until he attended a Distributors' rally at which an overseas Distributor was invited to be the keynote speaker, he noticed that many Diamond Direct Distributors were very successful, even though some of them were not even 30 years old. What amazed him most were the big profits that were being made. Enosh was impressed and took a decision to start his own Amway business.

He graduated around the time the SARS outbreak occurred and the salaries of his university friends were generally not so good. By that time, Enosh was already a Direct Distributor earning a stable and respectable income. His choice during the economic downturn highlights the edge Amway has over other businesses. Apart from his achievement, Enosh has found a group of great partners and they strive for success hand in hand. This is viagra online usa something one can hardly find in other kind of employment relationship.